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Music, as a vibration, profoundly affects all levels of our being, from our physical body, to our emotions, our spiritual experience, and our state of mind. Receiving healing music is healing, but so is daring to be carried away by the flow of sound, understanding our own body rhythms and daring to experiment with sounds.

Healing Music 

meditative sessions


Photo: Isaia Contreras Holsaeter

Healing Sounds Gatherings at Tahmela


Featured by Simo Laihonen, Aida Dominguez and Joni Paavilainen


Meditation gatherings, in which sound and breath help us to enter other more sensitive, perceptual and broad states of consciousness.

The idea of these meetings is that you can enjoy healing musical sounds, which will create harmony in your body and mind. You can stay lying down or move if your body asks you to.
The entrance fee is voluntary.
You can bring your yoga mat if you wish.
You don't need anything else than enthusiasm and open ears.


We will meet every Monday evening from 17h to 18h, in Our Center in Tahmela, Tampere.


Addres is:  Tahmelankatu 5A as.1


Contact us for coming.



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